Is There MORE to Homeschooling than Just Workbooks and Grades?
Many homeschool curriculum materials come in the form of workbooks. Others come in traditional textbooks or even in an online format.
As the materials are labeled for grade levels, there is a tendency to jump into “gaming mode” and push through level after level.
“Wow! My child plowed right through the level 1—time for level 2!”
“He is just so smart he finished all of the 4th grade level books in the fall, so we went on to 5th grade level.”
Does this sound familiar?
Before I move on, let me fully disclaim that homeschooling is unique to each family and therefore each family has a right to do as they sit fit.
My goal today is to get you out of that TUNNEL VISION MINDSET of plowing through level after level, unaware there is more to learn.
Whenever I hear parents make comments like those above, I wonder,
”What if you tried materials from OTHER curriculum companies? We know they’re written differently and include other strategies and activities that your child could be missing out on!”
“Are workbooks the ONLY thing you do in homeschool? Do your children practice an instrument? Cook? Pretend play? or Learn other hands-on skills? What about social skills?”
Now, I bear no ill will to workbooks in and of themselves. They are certainly convenient at times.
But I fear that in the rush have brag rights in all things academic that some parents (and the children) are truly missing out.
When you homeschool, you are preparing your child for life. Be sure to purposefully build in times to help your child learn valuable life skills in other areas such as spiritual, emotional, social, and practical day-to-day skills. What are some ideas you can think of? Leave a comment below!
Remember, YOU are your child’s most influential teacher.