Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Help! My Child Doesn’t Want to Read

It is so critical that children get practice reading aloud.

They can hear themselves say a word incorrectly and skip a line and hopefully learn to correct the error.

They can have you nearby to help them along with a difficult word here and there.

But what do you do if your child WILL NOT sit down and read with you?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Leaving Public School?

Many more parents across the country are considering leaving the public school system and taking their children elsewhere. Some are choosing homeschooling, but some are considering private schools.

What should you consider when you are thinking of leaving public schools?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Are Your Children Getting a BETTER Education Than YOU Did?

I don’t think there’s one decent parent out there who doesn’t want BETTER things for their child than what they had growing up.

Are your children getting a BETTER education than YOU did?

Is your child struggling in the same areas academically in which you struggled?

Did your child take after “the other parent” and is succeeding far better than you had ever imagined?

Does school seem like it’s more difficult than when you were in school?

Genuinely stop and ask yourself these questions.

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

A School’s Library is “Only as Good” as the Person Ordering the Books

Lately there has been much talk on what books are or aren’t appropriate to have in school libraries—sometimes even in the teacher’s personal library within the classroom. (For those of you who may not realize, most elementary teachers have bookshelves of books in their classroom the children can borrow from).

I’ve seen the clips of the school board meetings and irate parents reading excerpts of books that have caused quite a stir!

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

5 Things to Teach Your Child When You Start Homeschooling

I’m finishing up my 9th year of homeschooling. I’ve only ever homeschooled my children. They do not know anything different. If you don’t know my history, this comes after 12 years of teaching in public and private schools.

As I reflect on what I’m pleased with over the years, I am proud that my children have had lots of play time to enjoy their childhood. We’ve had many conversations over the years and made many friendships. These are two things I have done well, and I do not regret those choices.

I also reflect on what I wish I had done better. This is only human and extremely normal. The best any of us can do is to improve, right?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Helpful Things to Say When Your Child is Stuck on a Word

Listening to your child read can be incredibly relaxing….or incredibly frustrating!

Sometimes parents say, “I’m just not cut out for this!” I get it. That’s how I felt about training kids for bedtime or using the potty. However, I still had to step up and do it. In the end, it was just for a phase of life. It passed. The children learned. End of story. Helping your child with reading is another passing phase of life.

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Does your child NEED a pre-school?

I would never advocate a parent sending a child blindly off to kindergarten without having tackled anything academic.

Apparently, many people agree with me. I am constantly seeing first time parents online concerned about preschools for their children. Sometimes they ask recommendations for a preschool. Sometimes they are even looking for a curriculum or online school.

For preschool? Yes, that’s what I currently see young parents asking.

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Teachable Moments: Making the Most of the Time with Your Child

Each and every day your child is learning.

It might be learning from example by watching you or someone else.

It might be learning from a mistake made in a particular experience.

It might be learning from a tv show or book.

There are opportunities we are presented with as parents to take advantage of; these are called TEACHABLE MOMENTS. As the parents, we must be in tune to those opportunities so that we notice them and do something about it.

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

What are DECODABLE READERS? 4 Things to Know!

Decodables. Sounds like something on the back of a cereal box, right? Do you remember those code messages you tried to figure out while you ate your breakfast before heading off to school?

Decodables are often used by teachers and the word is thrown out there online all the time….but how often is it explained to parents?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

“I’m not Smart Enough to Homeschool My Child!”

Well…..maybe I haven’t heard these EXACT words come out of a parent’s mouth, but I have heard others like:

—”I was never good at math!”

—”I didn’t like to read either.”

—”I am NOT a teacher.”

Have you ever felt this way or talked to someone who felt this way?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Is There MORE to Homeschooling than Just Workbooks and Grades?

Many homeschool curriculum materials come in the form of workbooks. Others come in traditional textbooks or even in an online format.

As the materials are labeled for grade levels, there is a tendency to jump into “gaming mode” and push through level after level.

“Wow! My child plowed right through the level 1—time for level 2!”

“He is just so smart he finished all of the 4th grade level books in the fall, so we went on to 5th grade level.”

Does this sound familiar?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Reading Longer Words: The Secret to Making it Easier!

Having tutored children one-on-one for long periods of time and having homeschooled my own three children from the beginning, I can confidently say that the ability to read longer words can be wrapped up into one skill: seeing the words in smaller chunks.

Sounds simple, right? But what if a child cannot see where one chunk ends and another begins?

Well, there are several things at play that help your child see chunks:

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

5 Reasons to Listen to Your Child Read Aloud

Why should you listen to your child read aloud—especially after he’s already become an independent reader?

For many reading students who come to me for tutoring, the parents know the child struggles in reading, based on:

The child’s teacher told them (either verbally or through a grade)

The child doesn’t have an interest in reading (probably because it’s difficult and draining)

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

A Look At Report Cards

It’s that time of year again!

Report cards are coming out.

Growing up, this was an exciting time of year for me. I loved to make “good grades” and loved approval and praise. Not to mention, my small town had a rewards program where I could earn a free kids meal for my grades. (That was a HUGE deal for me!)

Do you remember report card time?

Did your teacher write small notes about your behavior or your efforts?

How did your parents react?

As you reflect on what report card time was like for you, ask yourself how it is different or the same for your child?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

How Do I Start Homeschooling?

There is a popularity rising in homeschooling.

As anything that becomes a bit more common, more people are going to be willing to give it a shot.

Perhaps YOU have wondered about trying it—at least for a semester.

But, how do you start?

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Do Homeschoolers SHELTER their kids “TOO MUCH?”

I’m friends with parents of all school types: homeschool, public school, and private school—even some who attend a hybrid school (mix between homeschool and private).

We all want the best for our kids. We all work hard at our children’s education.

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Rebecca Stewart Rebecca Stewart

The Reading Nook: Why It Matters

In recent years, the idea of reading on bean bags, propped up with pillows or even inside a classroom teepee has gained popularity within schools.


Simply put, it’s more enjoyable and more comfortable!

It’s novel.

For a child who has sat in a desk most of the day, getting to relax and read somewhere else is a big deal.

Have you thought what this might look like at home?

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