Will Your Child Miss Out of the Fun in Kindergarten Homeschool?
Scroll down to enjoy a gallery of various
kindergarten homeschool years I’ve been part of!
Homeschool Field Day at a local park
Kindergarten is one of the most popular topics on my Youtube channel. Parents seem to be more involved at that age.
There is a meme out there showing kindergarten parents peeking into a classroom on the first day of school, not wanting to leave followed by another photo of middle school parents speeding off (ready to leave). Have you seen this meme?
There are many unique activities that take place in a traditional kindergarten. Will your child miss out if you choose to homeschool?
I think that is a question on many parents’ minds as they consider homeschool. Leave a comment below if you have had a similar thought.
I’ve now had all three of my children graduate homeschool kindergarten. My youngest is in first grade this year (officially speaking).They each had a unique kindergarten year due to any co-ops we participated in and how old younger siblings were at the time.
As I reflect on each of these experiences, I’ll share what special things we have done in our homeschool in kindergarten. I assure you that my children did NOT miss out!
What special things did my homeschool kindergartners do?
The children played most of the day. With my oldest, I often went to parks and watched my baby while he played with all sorts of other children. We might even go to a fast food restaurant with a play area. It gave me time to get acquainted with other moms in the community since I had recently left my teaching job.
With my younger two (who are only 23 months apart), we were at home more. This allowed for backyard play and inside pretend play. I can honestly say that playing did not hold my children back academically at all.
We have done community ball games and field days to help with some sports play with other children. Don’t have anything like that in your area? Be the change. All it takes is someone to start it.
While my oldest did more field trips with a homeschool kindergarten group, my younger two went on more general field trips (perhaps we went for my oldest and they tagged along). We went to dentist offices, grocery stores, firehouses, nursing homes to visit, historic places, museums, and hiking. Some of those years we stayed with free or mostly free field trips. Some of the field trips we took as an entire family on a weekend or during vacation. The children were still learning. It still counts!
I never did a formal study, but I always kept supplies available. My children got plenty of practice with scissors, glue, and coloring. Sometimes we even brought out the paint. I showed them what tricks I knew. I allowed them to experiment while I read aloud or multi-tasked. When there was a holiday, we might do a simple craft related to the holiday. My oldest child went to a one day a week Kindergarten co-op in other moms’ homes. They did a read aloud and a craft each week. In addition, my children always attended vbs and other children’s Bible classes where crafting was included.
Learning Songs and Nursery Rhymes were always played and sung at our house. My children would listen to a certain cd at night. We had some go-to Youtube channels for other learning music as well. At Christmas time, we would go caroling with other friends. There was no formal music instruction for my children at this age. We danced and did hand movements to songs as well.
Holiday Parties
Whether I hosted a party, sponsored a party, or found a venue (such as a church or a park), we always did holiday parties. Some were smaller and some were larger. All parents chipped in by donating special foods, planning a party game, or cleaning up. I enjoyed the holidays at school when I was a child, and I certainly didn’t want my child to miss out on the fun either!
Memory Book/Journal
Writing in a primary journal was always part of our kindergarten year.I always kept my children’s writings and pictures. They are easily compiled in a binder with sheet protectors. It’s a wonderful keepsake to look back and on see what the growth the child had from start to finish. The children have always enjoyed looking back through old journals. Watch my video about Primary Journals here.
Learned with Siblings
For my older children, learning with a baby brother or sister nearby was definitely a special experience. They might teach a skill to a sibling or read a book to sibling or even play a learning game together. As my younger children entered kindergarten, they had the benefit of an older brother around. They heard conversations about history and science they normally wouldn’t have heard in a contained room of only kindergartners. When their brother was learning something in upper elementary, they would naturally learn about it too. This is unique to homeschool, yet similar to a one room schoolhouse of days gone by.
Relaxed Learning
I think relaxed learning is special. We weren’t on anyone’s bell schedule. We could eat a snack and read at the same time. If we found a bug in the backyard and wanted to research it, we could. We might look it up, watch a video about it, and then draw and color a picture of it and write about it. We have been able to follow interests a dig a little deeper into learning about them.
Kindergarten Graduation
The culminating activity of kindergarten! I was blessed to have participated in a kindergarten graduation when I was a child. I still have the photo of me in a red cap and gown, proudly displaying my play jewelry on my wrist. I knew I wanted to provide that same experience of a kindergarten graduation for my son. I ordered a cap and gown and spoke with another homeschool friend about getting it planned. In the end, there were 3 of us planning the event. We met for several practices to sing some songs and practice Pomp and Circumstance. Then, we held the event for friends and family at a local church. It wasn’t always easy planning this event 3 different times for my 3 different children, but it was always worth it! The best part is, I saved my plans and programs from the very first event. All I had to do each year was update.
So, if you’re still with me and thinking your child will “miss out.” Well, that’s up to you. I suppose my children missed out on “parent programs,” raising their hand to go to the bathroom or speak, and likely missed out on bringing something home they’d learned (that I wished they hadn’t) from another child. That happens anytime kids are together, but even more so in a public school setting.
It is up to you when you homeschool. If you want to have a special activity for every day of the week, that’s up to you. I personally found enjoyment with no more than 2 formal activities each week. Spontaneous trips out were always fun to meet new people.
The sky is the limit when you homeschool! You can create and plan an activity your child might never have been able to participate in had they been at school.
I speak from a unique perspective. I’m the daughter of a teacher and teacher’s aide, a former classroom teacher of 12 years (private and public school), and a current tutor of children in private and public school.
I assure you that anything my children “missed out” on that might have been something positive in school, there is an equal or greater counterpart in the homeschooling world that they did get to experience.
I have no regrets in being my children’s kindergarten teacher. I hope I have helped you feel empowered as well.
Remember, YOU are your child’s most influential teacher.