Homeschool: A Day in the Life? No Thanks.

If you’re a beginning homeschool parent or someone just thinking about it, it can be incredibly helpful to see how someone else does it.

Before I started homeschooling, I met up with a friend from college to see some of her materials and what she was doing in her homeschool.

This is a theme with homeschool parents: they are always happy to reach out and help others learn to be comfortable in their own shoes homeschooling.

However, consider this:

The only people you see on YOUTUBE sharing their Homeschool Day in the Life videos are the ones who are willing to have a camera around recording. For me, I’d rather not. Occasionally you will see snippets of what we do (usually posted on my Instagram).

You might could say that some people get discouraged looking at Homeschool Day in the Life videos. I know I would if it were all new to me!

Why? Because my children are varying ages. They have grumpy days. Some of them have focus issues. We don’t always do the same subject at the same time for each child. My house isn’t fancy and it CERTAINLY isn’t always clean.

While I would like to always improve, I do recognize I’m still doing a good job because I see daily evidence that my children are learning. I’m glad I became comfortable in this knowledge before watching the Day in the Life videos.

It can be helpful to watch Day in the Life videos just to get fresh ideas, but don’t judge how well you are doing by watching another family who has an entirely different dynamic, different amount of children at different ages, and different amounts to spend on resources.

There is no one single way to homeschool. You must keep the perspective that you’re training your children for the real world one day when they are grown. Evaluate how you are doing by asking yourself if you are doing that, rather than comparing your school day to that of a classroom teacher or of homeschool mom on youtube.

If you’d like a FREE guide for homeschooling, check out my Survival Guide for the New Homeschool Family.

Remember, YOU are your child’s most influential teacher.


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